Monthly Archives: February 2015

A Barren Beauty

The dreams of this world, the glorification of human imperfection and splendour, masks the definition of who we are. We spend hours in front of ourselves, counting the lines as they permeate our souls with worry. The scars we etch onto our own spirits we ignore; the ones upon our faces, we spend our lives(…)



I fell into a dream and woke in a land I’d never seen. It was golden, and the waters called me home. I felt the sky come into me, caressing my soul and the chains that bore me down. My heart thundered with every flash of the living universe, and I realized how tiny my(…)


White Flowers

A remarkable innocence bestowed upon a soul, white as snow. In two decades and four, a stain creeps in, insidious as the unseen darkness that engulfs the universe. Try as she may, a world closes in, demanding priority, worshipping desire. There are so many things that glisten and gleam like gold, but at the touch,(…)
