“…being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the very day of Jesus Christ…” ~ Philippians 1:6
The confidence this verse blesses me with is that God is doing something in me, in my life, every day. I am not a half-hearted project that He will abandon when I fail. The work He is doing in me is good; it is very good. I am privileged to be chosen, to be worked on by the God of gods and Lord of all. How can this be? I will never cease asking myself.
And what work is the good Lord doing within? I know there is so much in me that needs fixing, healing, rewiring. A spiritual renovation is in order, and so it is. I know we will never stop learning and growing until we leave this blessed earth. There are countless infirmities I possess which the Lord needs to cleanse and purify. Will I finally become ever patient, pure, and true? Will my weaknesses and pains finally leave me before I leave my body? Will I experience one day of flight and my undying desire for normalcy? Will the only lust I know fade into true love? And will I, will I finally embody Christ while I am still here?
The list of repairs seems endless and I wonder if renewal will be complete before the pearly gates. Will God let us in half-done, and if so, will we have eternity past to reach perfection? I don’t know how it all works, I don’t know what God has in mind. But praise the Lord for taking that chance and sacrifice with me. The Apostle Paul affirms that He will complete this work until the day of Jesus Christ. All I know is God will finish what He has begun, and perhaps it does not matter when. This life or the next, I am with God and always will be. The masterpiece will be complete in His time, and it will be as God had conceived, as long as I abide in Him. I can do nothing apart from Him.
The beauty of this is how God cares to create goodness out of the sinful creature I am. As long as I give myself back to Him, He will be able to work wonders, miracles, and make something better and beyond what I can even hope for in myself. Without Him, I am nothing. Not only do I have the blessed gift of eternal salvation and a life with my Maker forever after, I will be made better. I will be healed, and I will be all that God wants me to be.
…Carry me upon your visions
I am lighter than dust when it comes to your imagination
Your stars that hang upon an invisible tapestry of space and time
I am woven into the intricacy of flawless designs
A story amidst infinity
A dream you held
Before the dawn of creation and eternity
Take me through this timelessness
Wherever we are, I am golden in your fire.