I first felt the call in Missions Fest 2005. It was my very first conference and it was where God called me. I would never forget this blessed evening. It changed the course of my life and my desires. It stayed with me, in the years to come. Every year I would return, without fail. In Missions Fest 2009, I signed up as a volunteer at the Crisis Pregnancy Centre’s booth after a series of signs and stirrings that led me there.
Year after year, I would wander the exhibition hall, where hundreds of organizations had set up booths. I did not know where God wanted me, when and how His call would manifest itself in my life. I walked in circles, collecting brochures, business cards, magazines… I would come home with a plastic bag full of them, January fresh. But I never looked at them as the year grew old. They would just accumulate in my room.
This is my twelfth year. I have learned that if you wander long and far enough in the desert, God will lead you out in mercy and grace when your time is ready. Eleven years of wondering have led me here. In this very wilderness, I now have the vocation I waited and wandered in circles eleven years for. I am on the other side of the Crisis Pregnancy Centre’s booth now.
All praise and glory be to God, who is ever gracious and true. Such beauty and peace I have not known, such freedom and love I could never deserve.