“You are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are of the world. Therefore they speak as of the world, and the world hears them. We are of God.” ~ 1 John 4:4-6

The wondrous beauty of being God’s own. God has made me His own. I am a child of God and because of where I come from, and where I am going, nothing can touch me. The Lord’s hand rests upon me and He guides and watches my every step. I have a multitude of fears, each greater than the last. As I grow older, the worries of an ideal life settle in on me like storms at sea. I think about family, money, career, maybe a family of my own…and I wonder how God will pull it altogether and give me a happy ending. Perhaps I am selfish and small-minded, but I ought believe that God will never give His children anything less than the best.

The verse speaks of an overcoming life in this dangerous world. I have experienced what it means to share in God’s power and authority, and that has saved my sanity. All darkness I fear is nothing in the light of Jesus Christ. He lives in me, and therefore, I have everything I need to win this battle.

No wonder they who speak as of the world are heard by their own. They cannot hear us, for they are deafened. And we ought not to hear them, and yet, sometimes we do. Oftentimes we give in to the tirade of thoughts and temptations that infest our mind. Our imaginations run wild and carry us into unholy places, and we let them. How are we to have the mind of Christ when we embrace all that is in this world?

No wonder our fears still exist and are misplaced, no wonder our sorrows are manifold and we do not always feel the safety of being children of a King. God’s promises are abundant and He will always come through, He is always with us. We are told we have already overcome, but perhaps our lack of faith and overabundance of desires cloud our destination. We keep staying afraid when all we ever wanted has been found in Christ.

We are of God, and not of this fading world. I see the beauty of golden green leaves in summer, I feel the breeze and sunshine as every new day breaks, a sign of God’s promises to renew the land. Everything I could dream of, I have. The world, the stars, eternal life, and God. I am a child of God, and He will never let me go. Though the world may burn and stars fail to shine, in the midst of fire and chaos, I know God’s hand will find me in the utter destruction. I know God will carry me home.