“For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” ~ Esther 4:14

Praise the one true God for words of old and supplication that feed and nourish our weary souls every day. The Lord knows all things and all hearts, and so our fears are unfounded. I worry far too much, for what it is worth. Oftentimes, these things never come to pass, and so I waste precious hours and emotion on wasted affairs.

Everything we do is purposed by the Lord. The places He puts us in, the work He gives us to do, and our calling in everyday duties. From the supernatural to natural, God is behind it all. The Holy Spirit inspires thoughts in the heart, speaks words of wisdom in our lives, and leads us to higher places. He leads us out of our sickly selves onto a journey to the mountains.

I find myself slipping and falling always, back into the valley of despair. There I find neurotic comfort in worry and I wrap myself in it so that the love of God cannot get through. I pray for peace while holding onto nightmare scenarios, how then shall my heart ever be at rest?

God’s timing is perfect and it has been evident through the ages. I know one moment more or one moment less has all been predestined. If we were never meant to make it there, we would not. If we are meant to, we will. It is simpler than rain. If we do not act upon the Word God impresses on our hearts, then we sear our conscience a little more each time. God will call on someone else to do His bidding and we will be less.

Whenever we are called, we must act. For who knows if this was our God-ordained destiny? Everything we spent our lives working and living for, all for this very purpose. It could be something as “small” as leading a small group or as “big” as going on a long-term mission trip. Either way, it is a piece of God’s picture. A good deed here and another there seems insignificant, but if we did not do it, who would?

There is a time for everything, every season under the sun. While there is nothing new, there is always something more to be done. The afflictions of Christ await, the cross will never be too light if we immerse ourselves in God’s work.

May the Lord strengthen me and fill my heart with peace. Remove all anxieties and imagined troubles, for You hold everything in Your hands. Nothing happens apart from You and Your will is forever good and perfect. God, forgive me for my worry and teach me to train my imagination to be in line with Your Word. This world is fraught with danger but You are greater than it all, and You live in me. I pray You always bless and keep us safe, equip and prepare us so we can carry out the work of Your hands. Thank You Jesus for everything You have done and all that You are going to do. I pray I can serve You well. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.