Monthly Archives: July 2014

In the Stars

In the time it takes to come and go, a spark that starts a life unseen, whimpers at new birth, and cries at sudden death. You gently fade into the dawn, a dream returning to the stars. The light summer skies remember you, in a time when we were young, a life we always knew.(…)


The Chances We Take

I said, “How do you account for the formation of the world?” “Oh! Force and matter work together, and by chance the world was created.” I said, “It is a singular thing that your tongue isn’t on the top of your head if force and matter just threw it together in that manner.” If I(…)


Voices in the Shadows

Tongues that cannot speak, ears that will not hear because patience wears thin and they refuse to entertain those slower than them. An impediment that robs the soul of expression, an oppression that forces one to choke on thoughts that will not form. It must be an infinity, the time awaited between deliberation and sound.(…)


Forever Young

And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea…And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying: “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people,(…)
