In shadows and chaos, I push away all that stands in between the ones I love, a time now come to rest. Buried in care beneath the forgotten places of my mind, a treasure lies quiet like secrets waiting to be told. Suddenly, I fly to a place that lived and brimmed with love and joy. A time when I had everything, a time I thought I had nothing.

I remember what home meant and all the things it brought into my life. The songs we sang as the afternoon sun rays and dappled leaves made impressions on my heart unforgotten. The day the sun stood still and our friendship was golden. I knew nothing was comparable for we had somehow found a way to borrow time and heaven.

Walking the paths we chose when we were ever young and green, I count my thoughts and realise they are now filled with the mist of dreams and years. I have left so much behind in the hopes of finding so much more. In the end, these trails lead back to where I began, and what I no longer have.

Maybe these winding roads lead us to the same places, the same memories, the same loves. I cannot forget this other life of mine although it is gone, taken to the winds and swept into the stars. I remember you in my prayers, and in the way the wind writes itself into the memory of sky. Someday you will come back to me, and I will show you all the letters I wrote in my heart, every day since you’ve been gone.

How I have longed to traverse along the footprints of this wide ocean, remembering the berth and forgetting my departure. The forest I found solace in, the starry waters I never knew would flow away so gently and too soon…

I can reach my hands out to these memories that consume me inside out until my body shivers and the tears come to pass, but I know that is all they are now…that is all you are.

I think about all that has happened, and how far we have come. Eight years, ten years, time keeps rolling on, and my treasure chest is overflowing. How precious these blessings are, how afraid I will lose them all one day when the mind turns!

But God created these moments in time, to last a lifetime, to last forever.