A pursuit of faux dignity, the shallow desire of untamed hearts…When dream takes form, and reality melts into the raging sea, there I see you. A fixture of my imagination, somewhere in my childhood story. I glimpse past merging with present, such a gift, when one does not believe in the stars.

Like the sun that burnt a hole in my mind, we drifted in acres and fathoms deep, reprising what we could never be. A song upon the nascent sea, you and me. I saw the whispers, glances and dares. I touched a broken heart, and felt you there.

The stars aligned and glared at us. I felt fire and ice, crawling up my spine, turning my mind into pure emotion, strangulation. I realized an ache, bold and brutal, as we left the waters between us. It was stained with finality, blood in the crimson sea.

Then the eclipse shattered and tore us forever. I will never see you again in the face of the deep. The piece of us I found when we were free, cuts deep into me. The desperate, fragile place where estranged souls become one, only ends in emptiness. I found you, without a word. And you found me, full of dreams and fancy. No longer shall we be…in this fallen world at sea.