In the time it takes to come and go, a spark that starts a life unseen, whimpers at new birth, and cries at sudden death. You gently fade into the dawn, a dream returning to the stars. The light summer skies remember you, in a time when we were young, a life we always knew.

Could it be that you waited for me, before saying goodbye? Could it be that the rest of my life without you, will pass like a night without darkness? In my tears, I have found you. Stories without words, so they can no longer end. The silence has become a song, powerful and calming, deep and troubling.

I think of how the soul makes its flight, through the universe, conquering time and reason. Is it a frightening journey with nothing but the cold, hard gaze of endless, beautiful stars? Is it peaceful with a freedom we know not of on earth? In the soft starshine, the beauty of your soul is illuminated as it flies home, swiftly and surely. A place without pain, a place I cannot find.

When I look into the stars at night, they whisper and gleam, like angel wings on fire. Such transcendent beauty reigns in the celestial realms, creating infinity, and carrying you. I know not of the secrets that pass within the rich tapestry of velvet dreams. But I know somewhere out there, you shine. A beautiful star in the world of eternity.

When the grief starts to burn, when I remember how I have lost you, the skies remind me of stories without end, songs without silence. Now the darkness does not cut so deep. And the sunlight no longer paints my world in sadness. In my tears, you shine.

In the stars, I remember you.